2084 The Reawakening

In 2084 all is peace and harmony.  Dissent is a forgotten relic of the past. But can new ideas and individual thought be permanently suppressed?  Should they be?

When a person feels senselessly isolated, even among fellow workers and classmates, what can they do?

When living every day seems more like following a script than living a life, what can they do?

When a society is focused on conformity, what place is there for an individual with their own thoughts?

In 2084, society has achieved the dream of peace and harmony.  No one disagrees.  No one dares.

But then, one person dared to question…

“I think back to those years, in school. It seems almost like another lifetime, but really not so long ago. We are all taught in school about working for the common good. And I believe that; believed it then, believe it now. But what is the common good?  The Thought Leaders explain it all in the Manifesto, which they revise to keep up with the latest developments.

It makes so much sense. Everything is carefully considered and planned so that We the People can act in unison to achieve the greatest good. And I am part of this, or was, …”

In George Orwell’s novel, 1984, an all-powerful government controls the life of the party members. But not everyone is a party member.

The Proles live their lives in the shadow of Big Brother, but are still able to live their own lives and have their own thoughts. Orwell was not just making things up; he was observing a reality.  In 1984, Orwell depicts a hopeless situation in which any idea of freedom and individuality is just an illusion.

2084 The Reawakening looks at things differently. If enough party members work together, they can overthrow the government from the inside.  The only question:  Are there enough of those party members? One person asked that question, and seeks the answer…

2084 The Reawakening

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