There is an old joke, which some will find offensive, “I may be schizophrenic, but I’ll always have each other.”

I am the son of an electrical engineer and of a liberal arts major.  These two parents were, in my humble opinion, the best parents ever.  (There may be some confirmation bias in that.)  Either as a result of my parentage, or for unknown reasons, I have wrestled in my life with deciding if I should identify as an engineer with artistic tendencies, or as an artist with engineering tendencies.  I’ve vacillated both ways.  I have a master’s in educational administration and taught grade school for six years.  Deciding to see what else was out there, I floundered my way into forming a woodworking business that afforded me the ability to be both an engineer and to artistically express myself.  I’ve restored houses, which also allows both engineering and artistic expression.

 I have painted.  I suck at it.  But I think I could be good if I kept at it.  But there’s only so many hours in a day.  In retirement, I was going to do wood carvings that I never had the time to do while running my business.  That lasted a while, and there are many more carvings that I want to get to.  But I’ve come full circle, in a sense, and now I write more than anything.  Oh, and some singing/songwriting.

Finding your own way and blazing your own trails is the most rewarding life that there is.  It is also the most difficult.  Farm animals have a nice life (except for that one really bad day) and their life is stress free.  All decisions are made for them.  All they need do, all they CAN do, is go along.  If you have been wondering if your life is really YOUR life, it probably isn’t. 

I feel not just a little proud that I am in my seventies, and still feel like I’m only just getting started.  Youth can be full of uncertainty as to which road to take.  I like all the roads, and wish I could take them all.  But maturity has caused me to become a little more disciplined in my choices.  Damn it!

At any rate, wherever I go from here, I’ll always have each other.

If you have been thinking that something’s missing, that things don’t quite add up, that the simple answers are simple only to the extent that they ignore the complexity of the human spirit, then what I have to say may be what you need to hear. And I would love to hear from you. Communication is a two-way street. Email: Also, please visit